Parwanoo Hotels Guide - provides hotel information for Parwanoo hotels, hotel booking for Parwanoo hotels, luxury hotels of Parwanoo, Budget Hotels of Parwanoo, Hotel Packages for Parwanoo hotels and other travel services for Parwanoo hotels .Contact us for Hotel booking for Parwanoo Hotels
Parwanoo Hotels

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Hotels in Parwanoo

hotels in parwanoo, Parwanoo Hotels, Hotel in Parwanoo, Hotel Booking for Parwanoo, Budget Hotels in Parwanoo, Luxury Hotels in Parwanoo Along the National Highway No.22, as one cross the state border of Haryana into Himachal, there comes the town of Parwanoo. A couple of decades ago, this was a sleepy little village but today, it is a pulsating industrial town. Fruit based products, plastics, motar parts and watch components roll out of Parwanoo's factories. For a tourist, Parwanoo is a convenient base station to see and visit a number of nearby areas.

Tourist attractions

Renuka (132-km): With a circumference of roughly 2.5-kms, this is the largest lake in Himachal. Fed by underground springs, it is shaped like the profile of a reclining woman and is regarded to be the embodiment of the Goddess Renuka.

Dagshai (28-km): A one time British cantonment, this small town is surrounded by pine trees and also has an old church.

Subathu (16-km): Still a cantonment, it has also got the remains of a Gurkha Fort.

Pinjore (10-km): Parwanoo is an excellent base to visit the famed Mughal style gardens at Pinjore.

Kasauli (37-km): A charming hill station with lots of 'old world' charm.

hotels in parwanoo, Parwanoo Hotels, Hotel in Parwanoo, Hotel Booking for Parwanoo, Budget Hotels in Parwanoo, Luxury Hotels in Parwanoo Accommodation

In order to make the travel trip to Parwanoo comfortable we at offer just the right kind of accommodation for you and your family or friends in Parwanoo.We at can customize the tour package and offer the hotel accommodation. The reservation of the room can be made well in advance as per the requirement of the tour. The various hotel packages offer the best of facilities. The well-furnished rooms place most of the comforts at your feet. Enjoy the luxuries of life on your stay at the hotel. Take your pick from a range of luxury and budget hotels in Parwanoo besides the star categorized accommodation hotels though most of the hotels offer excellent view of the peaks and the nature at its best through their suites. We at will provide all the travel services like air ticketing, hotel booking, car rentals to make your holiday at Parwanoo unforgettable.

2 Star Hotels