provides hotel information for India, hotel booking for India, luxury hotels of India, Budget Hotels of India, Hotel Packages for India and other travel services for India.

Other Hotels in India

Apart from the categorization of hotels on the basis of facilities, antiquity, and location, hotels are also categorized on the basis of types of customers it caters. This is perhaps the most popular way world over of categorizing hotels. Though we follow star grading system for hotels categorization in India, it is imperative to know what kind of customers it catering for. For the benefit of our clients, we are giving you a look on the cross categorization of hotels as done internationally.

First Class Hotels

All four and five star hotels come under this category. Generally these hotels are located in the major cities in the business district or on the periphery of these cities. Services offered and ambience provided is comparable internationally. These hotels are best for the travelers who cannot do without the comforts of life and want to stay at a quality place.

Business Class hotels

All the hotels above three star rating located in the business districts of a city fall under this category. Best for the business traveler, who have business obligations to fulfil and whose most of the contacts are located in the business districts of that particular city.

Luxury Hotels

If you want to enjoy the best in life while traveling and experience new cultures, luxury hotels are for you only. The services and ambience offered are much better or the best in the world making you forget about the world outside the walls of property. Soak yourself in the grandeur and royal treatment while these hotels are pampering you. All of the hotels above the star rating of 5 and heritage properties come under this category.

Economy Hotels

Economy hotels are for the travelers light on their pocket but high in spirit. Most of the hotels in 2 or 3 star categories fall under this range. These hotels provide clean air rooms with basic but quality services. At many places, the services offered by these hotels are comparable to services offered by hotels of higher categories. Most of the hotels under this category are smaller units located in the smaller cities.

Budget Hotels

It is fine that you want to travel economical, but you still need a clean place with basic services. There are many hotels near the major transportation hubs in the big cities and hotels in the smaller cities that will provide you that. Most of these hotels are dirt cheap compared to their counterparts in western countries with the same level of services. Most of the hotels in 1 star category, tourist’s lodges, and hostels fall under this category of accommodation.